Our Team

We are a small team of seven staff members based around the country. Feel free to get in touch with the Campaigns Manager in your region or nation to hear more about campaigning work happening close to you. Even if we don’t have a presence in your region we’re still happy to involve you in our campaigning work, and you can get in touch at info AT asylummatters.org. 

Jen Laws

Jen is the Campaigns Manager for the North East email: jennifer AT asylummatters.org

Emma Birks

Emma is the Campaigns Manager for the West Midlands email: emma AT asylummatters.org

mary cropped

Mary Brandon

Mary is the Campaigns Manager for Yorkshire and Humberside email: mary AT asylummatters.org

Julia Savage

Julia is the Campaigns Manager for the North West email: julia AT asylummatters.org

Nathan Phillips

Nathan is the Campaigns Manager for Wales email: nathan AT asylummatters.org

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